The Vast Galaxy

Milky Way is our birthplace. Though we have not been able to travel far enough to reach its fringes, there are more than enough star systems within it for mankind to explore.

In the Kepler 452 system, every planet has a completely different ecosystem. Take, for example, planet Terra, which the humans have terraformed into having similar landscapes as the Earth, has huge metropolises with masses of skyscrapers towering over the skyline, and rivers of flying cars flowing in every which direction.

Humans have built a large number of space stations throughout the system, over a span of over a hundred years, so that ships can obtain sufficient supplies when they travel. Many space stations have become self-sufficient, populated cities, containing unique industries, corporations, and inhabitants.

Various treasures are scattered across the galaxy. You will find rifts in space-time which only those wearing Valkyrie Armor can enter, where you can acquire powerful weapons and equipment if you can survive their challenges; you will come across space debris scattered across the system, or asteroids with rich mineral deposits that can be recovered or mined to obtain many types of resources; you can find hatcheries of Pem insectoids that nest in deep space, where you might find eggs that hatch into all kinds of horrors; you might even find sources of unknown signals and experience thrilling adventures.

In the near future, you'll even be able to leave the Kepler 452 system and explore a number of other nearby systems. Many wonders await your exploration and discovery.

The galaxy is a dynamic world, and your experience will be different every time you play.

You can also use powerful creative tools to contribute content to this amazing world. Other travelers of the galaxy will be able to see and experience your creations.