Power has many forms
Power has many forms
The various factions have strict control over economic activities within their jurisdictions. Energy, the lifeblood of the economy, is under the most stringent control. Usually, national militaries are responsible for garrisoning energy production resources, and collection ships are sometimes provided by state-owned enterprises. As for secondary commerce, manufacturing, and industry, all nations abide by a free market economy, with varying degrees of centralized control.
The Milky Way Heavy Industries weapons factory situated in the Third Ring, within the jurisdiction of the Tenjin Commonwealth, produces some of the most popular weapons on the market. The factory uses core lava extracted from the planet as a source material. Rifle magazines are made of "photonuclear fuel", which can continuously provide ammunition. Legend has it that Hephaestus Corp, the renowned weapon maker, spun off from Milky Way Heavy Industries.
The most durable ships are made by the Kesdal Cooperative. The Kesdal factories use state-of-the-art particle colliders to combine molecular materials to create strong and durable hull parts. They have also collaborated with Milky Way Heavy Industries multiple times to launch the Sky Splitter, a series of shipborne cannons, and the coveted Tanchi series of shipborne sensors.
The Free Federation of Mercury has established satellites such as Southern Satellite 3, Tuhu, and Antarctica located in the Fifth Ring as free trade zones, which serve as commercial ports for trading with the rest of the galaxy.
Anti-gravity technology is becoming more and more mature, and cities are being built in the sky. The Hadra Builders, who have mastered the most advanced anti-gravity technology known to mankind, have become wealthy and powerful, and the floating cities they built are a true wonder to behold.
Mankind's relentless pursuit for economic growth resulted in the production of immense amounts of commercial goods, and most inhabitants in the system live a life of plenty. This pursuit and the insatiable need to have more, have impregnated the thinking of most citizens of the galaxy and has become the dominant belief. People no longer look to a deity or supernatural being for purpose, safety, and inner peace. Instead, they find refuge and peace in having and producing even more than they did the month before.
Any deterrent to economic production is viewed as a violation of basic rights, and can often lead to militarized conflict.